Thursday, August 27, 2009

Toughest yet!!

Sorry for not being able to write last week but the computers here in the library were being dumb. It kicked me out like three or four times. I got really mad. But now things should go a lot smoother. So last week was a really challenging week for me. On Monday my companion was feeling sick so we couldn't go out and do much. He didn't get better until like Thursday. For those three days, I felt like I wasn't giving it my all. That in some ways that I could be doing a lot better. That my companion was just dragging me down so to speak. Now I understand that he wasn't there to drag me down, I was there to pick him back up. This trail has really helped me to be more patient with myself but also towards others. And to understand that not all of us can function at the same pace. That what I might think is an easy task is a really tough one for someone else. I have also seen all the blessings that our Heavenly Father has given me and all that he still gives me. He has given me the strength of body and spirit to deal with all of the trials I've come across and every day he helps me with all my faults and imperfections.


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