Tuesday, September 7, 2010


So I have noticed that I have been saying a lot more about what I am doing, Which is good but I'd like to think that you all want to know how Im doing so thats what this is mostly ganna be about. So... I have been really good. The weather here has been really good. It gets sunny and hot for a few days and then it gets cold and glommy for a couple and thats the way i like it cuz its not deathly hot when we ride bikes. This past week I had a few eye opening experience. One was that I had in a way let my faith kinda just slowly desintigrate. Its not that I have not been reading the scripture or that I have not been going out to do missionary work. It was the lack of faith that I had that the people that we meet have been prepared by the Lord to be baptized. For some reason I have noticed that I have not invited any one to be baptized in a few weeks and that is just wrong. Thats what I am here for; to help  others come unto Christ through faith in Christ, repenteance and BAPTISM! I am not here to convert but to invite and i think that I had lost track of that. I wanted to convert these people instead of letting the Holy Ghost do it. I know that I can do better than that.
 Well the other one was we were riding our bikes to go to an area and tract. This young guy stops on the middle of the road and talks to us for a while. It was apperent from the beginning that he wanted to confront us. We started talking about what we believed and he pointed out some of the doctrine that we have that is not described in the Bible. The only thing that I could do us bare my testimony and tell him to read the Book of Mormon and to pray about it. He left me with a question about what one of the prophets had said in these times so I went to study it out. I came to understand that what he had said was an alteration of truth. That helped me to understand that principle better and to come to a knowledge of the things that people don't understand because of their unbelieve in a modern prophet. I am grateful to know of these truths.
 Well I see my testimony grow and expand like Alma describes it in the Book of Mormon. It started out as a seed and it has groen to be a little sprout. And I know that that is a gift from God.
 I love you all and I hope that you are all doing well. I would love to here from ya'll!

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