Hello people:
How are you all??
I've been really good. This week has been really hot! Most of the week we have been over 100' F. Its been pretty hard to want to go out to the scorching sun but if we don't, who else will??
Last week we had Zone Conference and it was down in Othello. It was a long drive there! The best greatest thing about it was that we didn't have to drive there. A member from the Omak Ward took us and the Omak elders. It was a great meeting. We learned a lot about our calling and the power that comes from it. We also learned about the Gospel of Christ. President Palmer explained it really weel and I think that I'm going to implament some of what he said into our lessons.
We also had the opportunity to have President Palmer and his wife Sister Palmer in our sacrament meeting this Sunday. They talked to the members about missionary work and how they need to be just as involved in it as we are. The Spirit was definitly there! They really sparked the member to do missionary work. It has been going great!
This week we had the opportunity to go and help Bro. Carpenter. He was getting some buildings that he had ordered and we helped him set them up. Before they showed up, we were splitting some wood. It was nice!! I had an ax! I felt like a real man. (Probably smelled like one too, hahaha) We also when to go visit Bro Buyers and he had a horse so we took some pictures of it. It didn't like me too much though.
This week we had exchanges with our district leader. I stayed up here while my companion went to Omak. It went really good. We found a lot of potentials and we found new places to tract. It went good but it is always different when you are not with your companion. It just feels weird.
We had a real good day yesterday at church. Three of our investigators went to church. It felt good to see the result of our hard labor.
Well people I'm running out of time! I love you all and hope you are all doing well.
Please send me Emails. I really dont get any :(
Elder Arcia
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