So to start off my companion and I were kinda kicked out of our house. The members that we live with were no happy with us... J/K Their family was coming to town and they were going to stay with them the weekend, the thing was that they were originally going to come on friday but they decided to come a little early. So on thursday the brother that we are staying at tells us that we need to evacuate because his family was coming that day. We didnt have a place to stay that night so we were scrambling to get someone to stay the night with. So we called a million and one people but no one would answer. We then tried our Zone Leaders that told us that if we did not find some where to stay that they were going to take us in. In the end we just stayed with them for a couple of days to try and keep our options open. So that was thursday and friday. On saturday we decided to go and stay the night with the Elders from Cashmere to be closer to the church so that we could get to it faster. So we are here trying to get all of our junk to our temporary home for the next 2 days. We traveled in a public transportation bus to our destination. We seriously looked like homeless people except we had on suits. That ride on the bus was really good. We talked to a few people about the church and we helped one man have a re-newed hope in Christ. I know that we needed to be on that bus to help that man. It was a humbling experience both not having a home to stay in and the Lord's abilities to help us in our weakness.
Well I also put some photos so that you all can see what we went through. Love yall!!
Elder Arcia
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